The ‘likes’ & ‘views’ Roller coaster


My blog is fairly new.  In fact, its very new.  Like most people, I’m using it as a vessel to get my writing out there, to showcase my abilities and share what I have to share.

I have the WordPress App on my iPhone, on my iPad.  I sit in front of the iMac at night, as I am now, and I look at my stats, I study what has been read, what has been ignored.

I find that it bothers me, when an article is viewed, but, has not been liked.  Which is ridiculous, because not everybody will like what I have to say or what story I like to tell.

Some mornings, especially after posting a blog, I’ll wake up to notifications galore, likes, followers and comments.  Some mornings, there’s nothing.

Before I go to bed, I’ll look at my stats and wonder why I’ve only had 3 visitors and 5 views all day.  Other nights, I can’t believe that I’ve had 15 visitors and 30 views in one day.

If I have a ‘bad’ day, statistics wise, I find it motivates me to get back in front of the keyboard and batter away at a new article.  Other times, I feel disheartened and steer clear of the keyboard.

I’m not criticising my readers or my followers.  I’m criticising myself, for being too critical on my work and my blog.  But, when you want to succeed at something you love, its impossible to switch off.  You constantly raise that ‘barr’!

Until tomorrows view count and like counter…


23 responses to “The ‘likes’ & ‘views’ Roller coaster”

  1. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog….. An Author Promotions Enterprise! and commented:
    We’ve ALL been there haven’t we?
    Ally has some very interesting articles, including ‘Important Tips on Copywriting your work’, ‘Ten Sentence Fiction’ and more 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You can drive yourself crazy trying to figure all of this out. Don’t obsess over the stats.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Welcome to WordPress! I started for the same reason you did, though I’ve found since that it can be more of a community than anything, if you let it. But it’s SO easy to become addicted to the stats. Take it from an addict. Mine didn’t rise consistently until I started posting daily – still, it has its ups and downs.
    Best of luck with your blog. I’m looking forward to reading more. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sometimes I have spent hours on a post and it achieves a few likes and/or comments. On other occasions I have penned a post in 20 minutes and the likes and comments just pour in. It isn’t an exact science. I am enjoying your blog, best, Kevin

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Blog what’s on your mind and let us all get to know YOU. The numbers are really meaningless in the greater scope of things. When I had 200 followers I got 20 likes and now that I have over 1000, I still get 20 likes. There are only so many blogs a reader can check out in a day. They come they go.

    The greatest joy in blogging, for me, is being able to engage with others through dialogue, share ideas, thoughts and opinions…whether it’s three or thirty 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It takes time to gain followers and establish yourself. Don’t worry you’ll get there. This will probably turn out to be your best response day yet.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. i keep subscribing to new posts all the time but am overwhelmed when it comes to reading and commenting.I can only manage two posts a week. In the beginning, sure I checked my stats and when they stayed in the basement, I gave up. Over time, as another blogger commented here, you grow into a community of like-minded people and enjoy each other. That’s were i am now.

    By the way, I like this place. I’ll be back.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sometimes it is better not to look at the stats too often as they can be discouraging.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Don’t worry about the likes and views – and posts can be seen by people without ticking up your stats, as well. Think about what your goal with the blog is, and work toward it.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I have a funny feeling that views and likes via mobile apps don’t register as a view on the main site stats. So the readership rate could be quite a bit higher than the raw data suggests.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Give it a couple of years and you’ll stop stressing, promise. 🙂 Just do what you love and everything else will follow. The ultimate popularity of your blog, and your writing, is to a large extent, random, a question of luck. You can’t push it. Just try and relax and enjoy the regulars who will become your online friends. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. It’s something known to behavioral psychologists as “intermittent reinforcement” that drives preoccupation with the stats, and it’s one of the most powerful psychological influences, so don’t feel bad about yourself for reacting to the numbers. BTW, the daily stats are minimally meaningful; the weekly and monthly data provide more helpful information.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Don’t worry. You are not alone. I’m endlessly checking Amazon to see if my book has any sort of ranking (usually the answer is no). There is just no way I could read and comment on enough articles to make my blog into the kind of internet behemoth some people’s are. So I don’t. Like Cut The Crap up there, I just get to know a number of people and pop into their blogs when I can to have a read and say Hi.




    1. Yep, you’d drive yourself crazy. And, I have! Thanks for reading and commenting. I’m going to have a squiz at your blog now!


      1. I hope you enjoy yourself there! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  14. It’s difficult to not worry about likes and hits. I’m blogging to eventually promote my books too and have attained almost no success, but I just keep on posting and writing. There is a worry too that blogging replaces “real” writing.


    1. Good luck with your books. I have approached it the opposite way. I’m letting everyone get a feel for my writing and my style, which will hopefully be enough for them to be interested in my book(s). When they’re written. Thanks for commenting.


  15. […] I plonked myself in front of the Mac and I typed up a small blog about how I felt or or how I feel when I read my stats for the day and they’re not setting […]


  16. As long as you are enjoying blogging the likes and views will come with effort and networking. 🙂


    1. Very true. Just as well I enjoy blogging! Thanks for commenting.


      1. No worries and thanks for the response. 🙂


  17. […] What I do find, however, is that my blog usually just slips back on like an old slipper. I’ll conjur up something to say months after my last post, format it, find an amusingly relevant image, smugly hit the publish button and ride the likes and views roller coaster. […]


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